Yu Ting Tsai,
( b.1999, Taipei, Taiwan ) is an artist who lives and works in Taipei.
The vocabulary words used in the work consists of various fields of knowledge, such as nature, technology, and history to construct a multi-perspective viewing. The mediums include installations, videos, and photographs. The core of the work stems from life experiences, exploring and identifying self, spirits, places, and histories. The individual is viewed from a topological perspective, and the ideas are generated by navigating through different systems and coordinates to interweave a common location in points. Through different processes, the purposes are to view how these experiences have impacts on the individual and shape multiple subjectivities.
2024, Established "Video Art Guerrilla" with seven artists, Establish a screening platform independently and taking screenings and exhibitions outside institutions, using images to intervene in the public space, and respond to the image situation in contemporary society.
| 學歷
2022 - 至今,國立臺北藝術大學,新媒體藝術,碩士
2017 - 2021,國立中興大學,機械工程學系,工學士
2019 - 2021,國立中興大學,創業管理學程,學程證書
2019,菲律賓,Cavite State University,交換學生
| Educational Background
2022 - Present, Taipei National University of the Arts, New Media Art, MA
2017 - 2021, National Chung Hsing University, Mechanical Engineering, BE
2019 - 2021, National Chung Hsing University, Entrepreneurship Program, Certificate
2019, Philippines, Cavite State University, Exchange students
| 獲獎
2025《 桃源國際藝術獎 》入圍
2024《 臺灣美術新貌獎 》入圍
2024《 馬德里錄像機藝術節 》入圍放映
2024《 大墩美展 》優選
2024《 北藝當代創作獎 》入圍
2023《 台東美展 》入圍
| Awards
2025《 Taoyuan International Art Award 》
2024《 Taiwan Emerging Art Awards 》
2024《 Festival PROYECTOR 2024 》
2024《 Da Dun Fine Arts Awards 》, Merit Award
2024《 The 2024 Contemporary Art Prize 》
2023《 Taitung Art Awards 》
| 展覽
2025《 蔡昱廷個展 - 逃跑計劃 》,彰化縣立美術館,彰化,臺灣
2025《 影像沙盒 - 蔡昱廷個展 》,永添藝術 . 金馬賓館當代美術館,高雄,臺灣
2024《 蔡昱廷個展 - 不眠山 》,關渡美術館,台北,臺灣
2025《 Art Is 》,CICA Museum,金浦市,南韓
2024《 大墩美展 》,大墩藝文中心,台中,臺灣
2024《 TW Art Book Lab 》,NUNU FINE ART,紐約,美國
2024《 Festival PROYECTOR 2024 》,Sala Equis ( 藝術電影院 ),馬德里,西班牙
2024《 Proyector Vertical 25 》,Quinta del Sordo ( 當代創作中心 ),馬德里,西班牙
2024《 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會 _ 偽裝的感光體—影像藝術特展 》,誠品行旅,台北,臺灣
2024《 藝術王船慶典:讓另一個世界也能擁有當代藝術 》,剝皮寮歷史街區,台北,臺灣
2024《 臺灣美術新貌獎 》,港區藝文中心,台中,臺灣
2024《 Isle So Lution 咦移遺 》,政大社資院 x 台北島 ( 雙場館 ),台北,臺灣
2024《 臺灣當代一年展 x Art Future 》,君悅酒店,台北,臺灣
2023《 Future Vision Lab 》,臺灣當代文化實驗場 C - Lab ,台北,臺灣
2023《 台東美展 雙年展 》,台東藝文中心,台東,臺灣
2023《 攝影聯展 貓貓 》,重返空間,高雄,臺灣
2023《 Make Sense 聯展 》,地下美術館,台北,臺灣
2023《 28th NTUArtFest 《洄 Reviver》》,臺灣大學,台北,臺灣
| Exhibitions
2025《 Yu Ting Tsai Solo Exhibition - Escape Plan 》, Changhua County Art Museum, Changhua, Taiwan
2025《 Video Sandbox - Yu Ting Tsai Solo Exhibition 》, ALIEN Art Centre, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2024《 Yu Ting Tsai Solo Exhibition - Seeking for Absent Forms in Forests 》, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2025《 Art Is 》,CICA Museum,Gimpo-si,South Korea
2024《 Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition 》, Taichung City Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2024《 TW Art Book Lab 》, NUNU FINE ART, New York, U.S.A.
2024《 Festival PROYECTOR 2024 》, Sala Equis, Madrid, Spain
2024《 Proyector Vertical 25 》, Quinta del Sordo, Madrid, Spain
2024《 ART FORMOSA - The Slightly Disguised Photosensitive Element 》, Eslite Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan
2024《 Art King Boat Festival 》, Bopiliao Historic Block, Taipei, Taiwan
2024《 Taiwan Emerging Art Awards 》, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2024《 Isle So Lution Exhibition 》, Two venues ( NCCU ) ( Taipei Island ), Taipei, Taiwan
2024《 TAIWAN ANNUAL x Art Future 》, Grand Hyatt Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
2023《 Future Vision Lab 》, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taipei, Taiwan
2023《 Taitung Art Exhibition 》, Taitung Art and Culture Center, Taitung, Taiwan
2023《 Photography Exhibition Mao 》, Reunion Space, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2023《 Make Sense Exhibition 》, Underground Experimental Field, Taipei, Taiwan
2023《 28th NTUArtFest 《Reviver》》, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan
| 放映
2024《 牯嶺街書香創意市集 _ 錄像游擊隊 》,牯嶺街,台北,臺灣
2024《 巴黎/柏林國際會議、新電影與當代藝術 》,Video Library,巴黎,法國
2024《 垂直視覺國際電影節 》,GRW劇院,匹茲堡,美國
2024《 KAR藝術聚落戶外放映計畫 》,Khontemporary,孔敬,泰國
2024《 Baannoorg AIR Open Studio 戶外放映 》,Nongpho 夜市,曼谷,泰國
2024《 福德廟廟屋 — 錄像游擊隊 / 竹圍放映行動 》,竹圍福德宮,台北,臺灣
2024《 錄像游擊隊 — 沙崙海灘放映行動 》,沙崙海灘,台北,臺灣
| Screening
2024《 GuLing Street Books & Creative Bazaar_Video Art Guerrilla 》, GuLing Street, Taipei, Taiwan
2024《 Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin Nouveau Cinéma et Art Contemporain 》, Video Library, Paris, France
2024《 1st Annual Vertical Vision International Film Festival (VVIFF) 》, GRW Theatre, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
2024《 Khontemporary Outdoor Screening 》, Khontemporary, Khon Kaen, Thailand
2024《 Baannoorg AIR Open Studio "Open AIR Screening" 》, Nongpho Night Market, Bangkok, Thailand
2024《 Fu De Temple House - Video Art Guerrilla Zhuwei Screening Project 》, Fu De Temple, Taipei, Taiwan
2024《 Video Art Guerrilla - Shalun Beach Screening Project 》, Shalun Beach, Taipei, Taiwan
| 表演
2024《 科技藝術與表演藝術 x 舞蹈與科技 - 奪取:重塑身體 》,台北,臺灣
2023《 靈修指南:流浪到清萊 》,台北&清萊,臺灣&泰國
| Performance
2024《 Arts and Technology in Performing Arts x Dance and Technology - Seize: Anagram Body 》, Taipei, Taiwan
2023《 Spiritual Guide : Wandering to Chiang Rai 》, Taipei&Chiang Rai, Taiwan&Thailand